Teachers and the Expressions Challenge

Teachers and the Walgreens Expressions Challenge


Walgreens Expressions Challenge is a peer-to-peer education program that its ultimate goal is to get teens to inspire their peers to make healthy decisions for a bright future. The program focuses on teens making an effort and helping others. We could not make any of this possible without the help of teachers and educators.

Over the past seven years, teachers participating in the Walgreens Expressions Challenge, engage thousands of students and get them involve in the Expressions movement. As teachers and educators, your guidance has helped us spread our message, and raise awareness on the power of youth.

Every year we get a high number of teacher participants, who let us enter their classrooms. Each teacher is different in their own way, but they all share the same passion for their students. Walgreens is proud to have helped teachers in both Chicago in St. Louis, by awarding them with over $150,000 for them, their schools, and students.

Uniting together we can help lead teens in the right path to healthy choices. Together we provide students with multiple life changing benefits. The challenge gives students a way for them to make their voice count, and educate their peers and the community on a range of many important topics. Finalist or not, every student participant is a winner.

Thank you teachers!

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